The mod_auth_cas plugin allows an Apache web server to interact with a CAS server via the CAS protocol. Red Hat does not offer this plugin for installation via yum however, so it must be downloaded and built from source code. We will build the plugin on the master build server (casdev-master) where the compilers and other development tools have been installed, and then copy it to the client server (casdev-casapp) for installation and use.

Install pre-requisites

The mod_auth_cas plugin build process depends on the presence of development libraries and header files from other packages. Run the commands

casdev-master# yum -y install httpd-devel
casdev-master# yum -y install openssl-devel
casdev-master# yum -y install libcurl-devel

to install them.

Clone the mod_auth_cas project

Use Git to clone the mod_auth_cas project from GitHub. Run the commands

casdev-master# cd /opt/workspace
casdev-master# git clone
Cloning into 'mod_auth_cas'...
remote: Counting objects: 1766, done.
remote: Total 1766 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1766
Receiving objects: 100% (1766/1766), 1.47 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1060/1060), done.

This will make a local copy of all files in the project and store them in a directory called mod_auth_cas. It will also record the information needed for Git to keep the local copy of the files synchronized with the copy stored on GitHub, so that corrections and updates made by the project team can be incorporated.

Build the plugin

Run the commands

casdev-master# cd /opt/workspace/mod_auth_cas
casdev-master# autoreconf -ivf
(lots of output... check for errors)
casdev-master# ./configure
(lots of output... check for errors)
casdev-master# make
(lots of output... check for errors)

to build the plugin.

Install the plugin on the client server

An Apache HTTPD plugin is really just a dynamic shared library that can be loaded at runtime. Run the commands

casdev-master# scp src/.libs/ casdev-casapp:/etc/httpd/modules/                               100%  241KB 240.7KB/s   00:00
casdev-master# ssh casdev-casapp "chown root.root /etc/httpd/modules/; chmod 755 /etc/httpd/modules/"

to copy the mod_auth_cas module to the appropriate location on the server where Apache HTTP is installed (casdev-casapp).
