Although it’s possible to enable MFA across the board for all services by setting properties in (see CAS 5: Configuration Properties: Multi-factor Authentication), it’s usually preferable to configure it on a per-service basis in the service registry.

Create a second service definition for the CAS client

Make a copy of etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCAS-1504122840.json in the cas-overlay-template directory on the master build server (casdev-master) and call it ApacheSecuredByCASandDuo-1504200420.json (replace 1504200420 with the current date +%s or YYYYMMDDhhmmss value):

casdev-master# cd /opt/workspace/cas-overlay-template
casdev-master# cp -p etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCAS-1504122840.json etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCASandDuo-201700831132700.json

Then edit etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCASandDuo-1504200420.json and do the following:

  1. Change the serviceId property to reflect the path to the secure area created in the previous step.
  2. Change the id property to a unique value (make sure this value matches the one in the filename).
  3. Change the description property to include the Duo MFA requirement.
  4. Add the multifactorPolicy property as shown below.
  5. Change the evaluationOrder property to a different value.

When done, the file should look something like this:

  "@class" : "",
  "serviceId" : "^\\z|/.*)",
  "name" : "Apache Secured By CAS and Duo",
  "id" : 1504200420,
  "description" : "CAS development Apache mod_auth_cas server with username/password and Duo MFA protection",
  "attributeReleasePolicy" : {
    "@class" : ""
  "multifactorPolicy" : {
    "@class" : "",
    "multifactorAuthenticationProviders" : [ "java.util.LinkedHashSet", [ "mfa-duo" ] ]
  "evaluationOrder" : 1200

The multifactorPolicy added here defines a single MFA provider, mfa-duo. It does not allow the MFA requirement to be bypassed (meaning that users not registered with Duo will not be able to log in), and it will fail “closed,” meaning that if for some reason the Duo service is unavailable, users will not be able to log in.
