Google Apps single sign-on can be tested by installing the updated CAS software on the CAS servers and restarting it, and then signing into Google.

Install and test on the master build server

Use the updated build and installation scripts (or repeat the commands) to install the updated CAS server on the master build server (casdev-master) and restart Tomcat:

casdev-master# sh /opt/scripts/
casdev-master# sh /opt/scripts/
---Installing on
Installation complete.

Review the contents of the log files (/var/log/tomcat/catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.out and /var/log/cas/cas.log) for errors.

Install on the CAS servers

Once everything is running correctly on the master build server, it can be copied to the CAS servers using the updated build and installation scripts:

casdev-master# sh /opt/scripts/
casdev-master# for host in srv01 srv02 srv03
> do
> scp -p /tmp/cassrv-files.tgz casdev-${host}:/tmp/cassrv-files.tgz
> scp -p /opt/scripts/ casdev-${host}:/tmp/
> ssh casdev-${host} sh /tmp/
> done

Register Google Apps in the service registry

Using the management webapp, add a new service registry entry for the Google Apps instance. The service URL should be provided as:

^[Google Apps domain]/acs(\z|/.*)

For The New School then, this would be:


If the Google Apps instance does not use the same usernames as the CAS server, the service registry entry can be configured to return the alternate username on the Username Attribute tab of the management webapp.

Test the operation of Google Apps

To test the operation of Google Apps, visit[Google Apps domain] (for The New School,
