Since we are using the CAS server to protect the endpoints, we need to create a service definition for the dashboard.

Create a service definition for the dashboard

Create the file etc/cas/services/CASAdminDashboard-1509646291.json (replace 1509646291 with the current date +%s or YYYYMMDDhhmmss value) in the cas-overlay-template directory on the master build server (casdev-master) with the following contents:

  "@class" : "",
  "serviceId" : "^\\z|/.*)",
  "name" : "CAS Admin Dashboard",
  "id" : 1509646291,
  "description" : "CAS dashboard and administrative endpoints",
  "evaluationOrder" : 5000

There is no need to create service definitions for all the other endpoints underneath /status; they will all be authenticated by this one. Note, however, that any attempt to access those other endpoints before accessing the /status/dashboard endpoint and authenticating to the CAS server will fail.
