To allow the CAS client to test/demonstrate both content secured only by CAS and content secured by both CAS and Duo at the same time, create a new secure content area on the CAS client server and configure Apache HTTPD to protect it.

Create a new secure content area

Make a copy of the existing secure content area on the client server (casdev-casapp):

casdev-casapp# cd /var/www/html
casdev-casapp# cp -rp secured-by-cas secured-by-cas-duo

Then edit the file secured-by-cas-duo/index.php and update the paragraph of text to reflect the requirements to view it:

<p><big>This is some secure content. You should not be able to see it
 until you have entered your username and password and authenticated
 with Duo.</big></p>

Leave the rest of the file unchanged.

Update mod_auth_cas settings

Edit the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/cas.conf on the client server (casdev-casapp) and create another <Directory> element for the new secure content area created above:

<Directory "/var/www/html/secured-by-cas-duo">
    <IfModule mod_auth_cas.c>
        AuthType        CAS
        CASAuthNHeader  On

    Require valid-user

Except for the path name of the directory, it should be identical to the other <Directory> elements.

Update the public content page

Update /var/www/html/index.php to include a link to the new secure area:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Hello, World!</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <div class="container">
      <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
        <p><big>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.</big></p>
        <p><big>Click <a href="secured-by-cas/index.php">here</a> for some
          content secured by username and password.</big></p>
        <p><big>Click <a href="return-mapped/index.php">here</a> to see the
          results of the "Return Mapped" attribute release policy.</big></p>
        <p><big>Click <a href="secured-by-cas-duo/index.php">here</a> for some
          content secured by username/password and Duo MFA.</big></p>

Restart HTTPD

Run the command

casdev-casapp# systemctl restart httpd

to restart the HTTPD server with the new configuration. Check the log files in /var/log/httpd for errors.