The logout view is displayed when a user logs out of the CAS service, i.e., when his or her browser is directed to the /cas/logout endpoint. Unlike the default login view, the default logout view (templates/casLogoutView.html) does not include any fragments, it just displays some message text:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:layout="" layout:decorate="~{layout}">

  <title th:text="#{screen.logout.header}"></title>

<body id="cas">
<div layout:fragment="content">
  <div class="alert alert-success">
    <h2 th:utext="#{screen.logout.header}"/>
    <p th:utext="#{screen.logout.success}"/>
    <p th:utext="#{}" />

Updating the logout view template

For our custom logout view (templates/newschool/casLogoutView.html), the only change we really need to make is to replace the default layout template with our custom template:

<html xmlns:layout="" layout:decorate="~{newschool/layout}">

Although not strictly necessary, we will also change a couple of the text strings to better match our local environment. We can do this by overriding their values in WEB-INF/classes/

screen.logout.success=You have successfully logged out of the New School \
  Single Sign-On Service. You may <a href="login">log in</a> again. security reasons, please exit your web browser.