Before moving on to to the next phase of configuration, commit the changes made to pom.xml and, as well as the new etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCAS-1504122840.json and etc/cas/services/ReturnMappedTest-1506518400.json files, to Git to make them easier to keep track of (and to enable reverting to earlier configurations easier). Run the commands

casdev-master# cd /opt/workspace/cas-overlay-template
casdev-master# git add etc/cas/config/
casdev-master# git add etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCAS-1504122840.json
casdev-master# git add etc/cas/services/ReturnMappedTest-1506518400.json
casdev-master# git add pom.xml
casdev-master# git commit

on the master build server (casdev-master). The git commit command will will bring up a text editor so you can describe the commit. Enter something like:

Add LDAP support:
 1. Add LDAP and SAML 1.1 modules to server
 2. Configure Active Directory authentication
 3. Configure Luminis LDAP authentication
 4. Configure AD/LDAP attribute resolution
 5. Create CasApp service definition

Then save and exit the editor, and Git will finish its work:

[newschool-casdev 0cb7e85] Add LDAP support:  1. Add LDAP and SAML 1.1 modules to server  2. Configure Active Directory authentication  3. Configure Luminis LDAP authentication  4. Configure AD/LDAP attribute resolution  5. Create CasApp service definition
 3 files changed, 64 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 etc/cas/services/ApacheSecuredByCAS-1504122840.json
 create mode 100644 etc/cas/services/ReturnMappedTest-1506518400.json